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Lin Chen

Lin Chen Cell Phone: +1-857-2225998
Mail Address: Apt. 737, 185 Freeman St, Brookline, MA, 02446

GitHub webpage:


Boston University (BU), US Expected May. 2021 Master of Science in Computer Information System (GPA 3.90/4.0)

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) & Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), China. May. 2019 Bachelor of Engineering (Science) in Internet of Things (Joint Bachelor Program, GPA 3.19/4.0)

Papers & Software Copyrights

  1. L. Chen, Z. Cao, Q. Niu, Z. Wu. “New Retail Model Based on Population Density Detection.” SCSET2018 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1168:032082 (Online ISSN: 1742-6596), February 2019.
  2. Q. Niu, Y. Teng, L. Chen. “Design of Gesture Recognition System based on Deep Learning.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1168:032088, February 2019.
  3. Xiao Dou Dian Product Design Technology Promotion System (V1.0), registration number: 2019SR0447018
  4. Population Density Information Collecting Analyzing System Based on the Internet, registration number: pending
  5. Design and implementation of bus arrival time prediction, collected in Beijing Excellent Graduation Theses


Programming Languages: Python (Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, NLTK), R, PySpark, Java BI Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn, BeautifulSoup, OpenCV, PIL, Django, ggplot2, ggmap, TSMining, RISmed, Syuzhet ML & Statistics: T-test, Linear & Logistic Regression, Lasso Regression, Ridge Regression, Elastic Net Regression, TF-IDF, K-NN, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, NLP, Random Forest, PCA, Sentiment Analysis Database & Cloud: MySQL, Postgre SQL, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, COLAB, Spark SQL, Spark RDD & DataFrame Other Tools: Microsoft Excel, Git, Lucid Chart, RStudio, Jupyter Notebook, Google Drive, MATLAB, Linux, Axure

Entrepreneurship Experience

Founder, LCT Campus Communication Platform 06/2016-06/2019 One of the most influential organizations at BUTP with over 30 members that has cooperative relationships with over 80% students’ associations and has earned sponsorships for more than 300,000 CNY in three years. Seeking sponsorship, organizing activities in cooperation with the sponsors, other student organizations and universities

Founder & Team Leader, WeCan 06/2017-12/2019 1.A new retail platform based on crowd density analysis with more than 30 staff, 20,000 customers and daily sales of over 10,000 CNY 2.Selected as Level-A Project in Beijing College Students’ Innovation & Entrepreneurship Training Program (20 out of 163 teams) 3.Setting objectives, allocating tasks and monitoring work process with operational research, ERP administration, enterprise administrations, and software development knowledge 4.Managing the team to realize the maximum utilization of information and resources

Honors and Awards

  1. Municipal Outstanding Volunteer of Beijing (40, city) 10/2017
  2. Honorable Mentions, MCM/ICM 04/2018
  3. Municipal Outstanding Graduation Thesis of Beijing (40/600, university) 06/2019
  4. Director of Public Relations Dept., Vice-President, Volunteer Association of the International School
  5. Superintendent of Voluntary Activity, Global Mobile Internet Conference in 2017 & 2018
  6. Security Volunteer, Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation